No Masks?


Staff Writer

Just because places have opened up again, doesn’t mean COVID-19 is gone! People need to stop and take action before something extremely serious happens! COVID is a deadly virus that spreads like wildfire. People were so cautious when it first came into California, now not so much. People wonder everyday why the cases keep rising. If they would pay attention to the people around them, they’d see the truth.

There are protests for “no masking” and people protesting against COVID. This is insane! It is a law that people wear masks into public locations now. People enter these places with a mask, but once they get in, they take them off. This is unsafe to not only their health, but the people around them. Somebody can walk into a grocery store and be surrounded by non maskers. The non maskers are unaware that this person has an extremely sick sibling at home that can die if they get COVID. One of the non maskers coughs, unaware they have COVID, and touches a bag of chips. The person with a mask, takes the bag of chips home and brings the bacteria into their household. This can lead to their family becoming very ill. None of this would happen if people would just wear masks.

There are even some professional businesses that aren’t wearing masks and giving this crazy virus to many of their patients. I walked into the dentist to get my teeth checked and there were hardly any people wearing masks. I wanted to get out of there. All I could think was how unprofessional. There was no plastic cover in front of the desk to block germs, the desk ladies weren’t wearing masks, my dentist tried to get into my face without a mask, and they set me next to a family getting their teeth cleaned without any covering. All of their germs were in my area and all I could do was sit there in disgust. There were only two people in that entire place wearing a mask, and that was the person checking my teeth and I. They didn’t sanitize after each person left, they left everyone crowded together and it wasn’t mandatory to wear a mask. They didn’t care or think about the consequences this can lead to. I am currently looking to get into a different dentist.

It is extremely important to wear your masks. Even if you don’t care or believe in COVID, it is still safe and the responsible thing to do. You can protect yourself, as well as others. You never know who can get extremely sick and pass away. You also don’t know who is asymptomatic. This virus is very confusing and there are a lot of things people don’t know about it yet, which makes it even riskier and scarier. Wear a mask for the sake of others’ health. Do you really want to live with the fact you got someone so sick that they couldn’t make it? Be cautious, wash your hands, and wear a mask!

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