The Return of the Killer Clowns


Staff Writer

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the killer clown sightings back in 2016. They were all over social media, videos of them chasing civilians went viral. People were afraid to go outside because there could be a killer clown anywhere. What if I told you the killer clowns were making a comeback this year?

About two weeks ago, a TikTok video went viral of a killer clown chasing a woman in her car. The TikTok video was posted by Iliana Navarro. She shared the video of her driving through a dark road, when she stumbled across a person in a killer clown costume. Initially, she thought it was a deer. When the person started approaching her, she thought it could’ve been a hitchhiker. A killer clown was the last thing on her mind. She stated, “I didn’t expect it to be a clown.” Her post read “They weren’t lying when they said clowns are coming back in 2020. 2020 isn’t my year apparently.”

Commenters were terrified. They wrote comments like “Don’t be shy, hit them with your car”, “I was so terrified to watch this”, and “Lock your fricken door and fricken drive offfffff”. 

In conclusion, if the Corona Virus isn’t going to keep you inside, the reappearance of these killer clowns most definitely will.

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