Online School for Better or Worse


Staff Writer

As corona cases keep coming, students continue to struggle with online learning. Many students were disappointed when they couldn’t have their graduation while others were barely starting their journey. Not only the students are struggling but teachers are also trying to adjust to online learning since they have never experienced this problem. 

A lot of students have been struggling to keep up with all the work for their classes and it feels as if we’re getting more work now than we were in school. The good thing from this is that we don’t have long hours of class. We only spend about an hour in class now and we don’t have to all wake up so early to get ready since we are at home. We also have a day off on wednesday so we could catch up on any work we need to get done which does help a lot when we have so many assignments from all of our classes. Even though many of us are stressed I feel like we are starting to get used to online school but we just miss hanging out with our friends or just going out. 

Teachers don’t really know how to deal with this situation which I don’t blame them since none of us were prepared for this sudden change. A lot of students give teachers a hard time since they’re stressed and upset with the outcome but they work harder than us when they try to keep up with our grades and have to deal with any internet problems. We shouldn’t blame teachers for not knowing how to deal with this crisis when us students already know the struggle for all of this. 

Hopefully things will get better soon with the virus and fires so we could go back to how we want to learn. For now, all we can do is hope for the best and help each other out with the different learning structure.

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