Trapped Inside


Staff Writer 

I still remember the conversation I had with my English teacher, Mrs. Perez, the day before we all got sent home on an extra long Spring break. She had told me and a few other students that she thought we’d get a few more weeks added to our break. Of course me and the other students were excited because, who wouldn’t want some extra time out of school?

Half a year later and we are still on this break. When it first began I was thrilled, but now that it’s been so long I kinda hate it. I am an extremely social person and I love being around others. I have been missing this for awhile now. I do have the company of my family, which I’m very grateful for, but it begins to be too much when you’ve been stuck in the house with them for 6 months. It also isn’t very fun learning through a computer screen this being because I am a very visual learner. I love being able to have direct help from a teacher in a classroom and being around other students and hearing their ideas. 

I hope that soon we will be able to begin back at school and enjoy the company of others instead of being trapped in our own homes. 

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