Month: September 2020

The Real Life Invisible Man

By: BIRIDIANA LOPEZ-RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer Warning: This crime case/article contains animal cruelty and harm towards them, harrassment towards a person, etc.. We’ve all heard of the movie, The Invisible Man,[Read More…]

Splash Mountain is Dead

By LESLEY MARROQUIN  Staff Writer As usual, whenever a change comes to the beloved Disney parks, the fans will either be excited or furious. This past summer, Disney announced that[Read More…]

2020-2021 Mock Trial Case

By ALEKHYA RAJASEKARAN  Staff Writer The 2020-2021 California Mock Trial Case is officially released! El Diamante’s Mock Trial team was eagerly awaiting the new creative case created by the Constitutional[Read More…]

Wrestling is Real!

By ROBERT RAMOS  Staff Writer When you ask someone to explain what professional wrestling is, they most likely say it is a bunch of sweaty dudes pretending to hit each[Read More…]

Wild Fires

By EMMILY SANDOVAL PEREZ Staff Writer As if anything couldn’t get any worse, this year there have been many wildfires here in California that are spreading quickly, leading thousands of[Read More…]