While Time Flies, COVID-19 Flies Too


Staff Writer

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has once again updated their information about Covid-19 and its potential for airborne transmission. First, they state their continued belief that the likelihood of people becoming infected with the virus is more probable the longer and closer they are to someone already infected with the virus. Second, the health agency states that Covid-19 usually spreads through contact between people within six feet of each other. Their new revelation is that the virus can spread through particles that linger in the air and may be able to infect people farther than a six foot distance. They also explain that enclosed spaces with poor ventilation are the cause of infections in people who aren’t nearby, even after the person with Covid-19 has left the space. Last but not least, the health agency states that people who have the virus but don’t show symptoms right away can also spread the virus to others and that the spread of Covid-19 is less common between the relationships of people and animals or surfaces. The health agency constantly warns people to protect themselves from Covid-19 by wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth, maintaining a six-foot distance from others, cleaning surfaces frequently, quarantining at home when sick, and washing hands frequently.      

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