Who Do You Wanna Be?

Staff Writer

Most people do things that others expect them to do, but in my opinion I would have to say do what makes you happy, be who you want to be. Do things that make you happy and do the tasks that make your life feel accomplished at the end of the day. When people were younger, most wanted to be either a firefighter or a dancer or anything that their mind came to be when they were younger. As they hit high school, people change their goal and forget all about what they wanted to be when they were younger. That’s the difference, between some people and others, as people grow up they never changed what they wanted to be when they were younger, like being a chef. There’s even the kids nowadays who have no idea what they want to be in the future. Most people have an idea who they want to be and get their whole life figured out while half of the people in the world don’t have a plan. Multiple people will eventually figure out their life, but they shouldn’t do things that their parents want them to be because it’s your life not theirs. At the end of the day, it is your life.  

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