Future Plans and Goals



When it comes down to thinking about future plans and goals there’s so many paths that cross my mind. For example, what I’d be doing after high school or where I’d be at in 5-10 years from now and who with. Everyday I think of the dreams I’m super passionate about or the people who truly make me the happiest in the world. I think of how life would be around them while I’m pursuing my dreams at the same time. 

Not everyone gets to pursue their dreams in the ways that they want to or with the people they wanna keep around their lives. But what I’m really passionate about is being a future NASA Astronaut or a Mammal Trainer. What passion really makes me wanna reach for the sky is being a NASA Astronaut or working in some way with NASA. I love going out just to skygaze even if there’s not much to look at, but when the moon shines brighter than anything in this world it makes me smile and forget about everything else around me, other than my future goals. Future Plans and Goals often require a lot of timing, effort, and compassion and commitment. Which is why I really wanna attend college to pursue these future careers I have in mind. 

But I’m very dedicated and determined to reach these goals because achieving these goals are really important to me and they mean more than the entire world to me for my own happiness. But I know one day I’ll achieve my future goals. But not only is my future goals important to me, but my future plans. I wanna travel to places with my friends who mean more than anything in the world to me and just have a good time while I’m living my life to the absolute fullest. One day I’ll reach my future goals and plans. If you have future plans and goals in mind, don’t ever hold back on them. Take every chance and moment you have right now to work your way there and in the end, all of your hard work will pay off and you’ll be the happiest successful person on Earth. They’ll say the sky’s the limit, but in reality, beyond the sky and atmosphere into the universe is the limit. 

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