2020 RANT


Staff Writer

This is one of the worst time periods ever to exist. We have had quarantine for over 7 months, there’s been countless wildfires, BLM protestors, no school, and the list could go on for miles. This year has been very hectic for everyone. I would not have thought that a year ago I would be at home doing zoom for school. I’m a sophomore in high school and never finished my freshman year at El Diamante. Last year the 2020 graduating class didn’t have a ceremony, and instead they had a drive in. I don’t think that this year could get any worse. I wish we as people could go back to normal, or what it used to be like last year. I took school for granted and I shouldn’t have along with taking my normal life for granted. I miss it more than ever because I haven’t seen any of my friends and favorite teachers in a long time. I wish there could be something to make all of the negative things in our lives go away, but I guess we have to make the best out of our quarantine. I don’t do much because I am still not able to drive even though that would make life more interesting. Our world is falling apart every single day and no one can prevent it from happening. I just want this year to be over. Thank you for taking your time to read my 2020 Rant, have a nice rest of your day and be POSITIVE! 

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