The Chances One Can Only Give


Staff Writer 

New beginnings….. They are all a person can ask for when in such doubt about themselves, and about others too. It isn’t fair to those who make mistakes and are never given a second chance. One mistake shouldn’t define your whole life just so people can judge you. People make mistakes every day and others act like it’s the world’s end. The second chances come to an extent like ruining a wedding or punching the wrong person. Murder is definitely something you should be careful because some of these people act like they are trying to better themselves but all they want to do is ruin our world. The world we live and survive in each and every day till death is upon us. I know from a personal experience I have given way too many chances to all the people who aren’t even worth my time. Thankfully those people aren’t in my life anymore or that would just be a toxic relationship. Many people in our time like to just throw these chances as if they are bowling balls. All I have to say is just let them go and get through life to be a wonderful person. Not letting that one person go can change everything about you and affect everyone around you. The only piece of advice I would give to you is just be free from all that toxicity and try to make everyone happy but yourself. It’s okay to be a little selfish sometimes! Live your life to the fullest and never turn back.

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