Amy Coney Barrett and Feminism


Staff writer and editor

 As the entire nation knows, Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice as of this Monday evening. With her controversial nomination and fast moving process, the nation is divided on yet another topic. As many Americans applaud her strength, dignity, and professionalism, others are mourning and parading in costumes from a Hulu series “The Handmaid’s Tale”. For some background, the series is an adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s best selling novel that follows a dystopian society where women are demeaned and treated less than equal to say the least. But why?

Many Democrats fear that Barrett is far too religious and it may get in the way of her decisions. But Barrett reassures,”It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge’s personal convictions, whether they derive from faith or anywhere else on the law”. The main concern of the left is Barret’s strong beliefs on abortion and her viewpoint possibly threatening Roe v. Wade. While some Republicans have very strong oppositions to any and all abortion, what the media fails to see is that for the most part, Republicans just want to see an end to late term abortion and a hault in our culture that celebrates it. And what does this have to do with feminism? Well right now, everything. Feminism is defined as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes”. Feminists believe that taking away abortion takes away reproductive rights from women, then leading to further inequality. But once again, Barret made it clear that she judges off of the constitution, not the bible. 

And while Barrett is criticized as “radical” by democrats , radical leftist women are being applauded for their courage and strength. But, why is their radicalism applauded and Barrett’s criticized? I think there is a deep issue in today’s politics that needs to be surfaced. There is a lack of consistency in what is applauded and what is criticized. On social media many feminists claim that if you don’t like Kamala Harris you are anti-woman, but then turn around to slander Amy Coney Barrett. 

Barret has seven children , two of which are adopted and one who lives with Down Syndrome. While the media slashes her for her inter racial adoptions, they fail to acknowledge the damage themselves are inflicting. Although Barret does not align with what is modern and radical “feminism”, in plain terms I believe she is an example of defined feminism and an example of strength. So, before we line up in red capes and bonnets, let us evaluate our own actions and understand where our criticism is coming from and who is telling us to criticize. 

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