B1G 10 Football Returns


Staff Writer

August 12th, 2020 the Big Ten as well as the Pac 12 athletic conference cancelled all Fall sports because the Coronavirus pandemic continued to affect American institutions. All Fall sport athletes were devastated from the season being postponed so early when they still had many weeks before the season. Many athletes around the Big Ten started petitions to bring the season back and some players’ families did protest outside the Big Ten headquarters. After many meetings and discussions on bringing the season back but finally October 23rd-24th Big Ten football was allowed back to play their season. With the season being back all student-athletes, coaches, trainers, and other individuals that are on the field for all practices and games will undergo daily testing. 

The rules for testing in the Big Ten are  if a student-athlete test positive for coronavirus through point of contact (POC) daily testing would require another test the next day to confirm the results. Also if a student-athlete would test positive for the virus they must quarantine for 21 days before returning to game competition. If the players follow all the right procedures for the season and social distance from each other they will be able to keep playing and continue their season. 


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