Month: November 2020

Asia-Pacific RCEP

By GARRET ROBINSON Staff Writer Recently, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) has been signed by Southeast Asian countries, along with China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand which[Read More…]

The Mandolorian

By NOLLAN LIZARDO Staff Writer If you are looking to get into a new show to binge watch and happen to have a Disney Plus account, the Mandalorian, a Star[Read More…]

Cop Copine

By GONZALO GALLEGOS Staff Writer  As many of my mutuals and friends know, I am a major fashion addict. Usually I tend to find a small obsession with a designer[Read More…]

Choose Kindness.

By ADELLE ACOSTA Staff Writer 2020 has been a heavy year for everyone. Sometimes it can be easy to forget how beautiful life is when the world is constantly facing[Read More…]


By ANDREW RUANO Staff Writer Star explosions may have played a greater role in Earth’s climate history than scientists thought. Nearby SuperNovas have left a series of possible fingerprints in[Read More…]


By NATALIE CARDENAS  Staff Writer  The past few weeks have been confusing and ordinary, everyone has been doing their own thing and distant, most of the time it’s been positive[Read More…]