French Bulldog, Wilbur, Becomes The Newly Elected Mayor of a Kentucky Town


Staff Writer

The town of Rabbit Hash has a new mayor, a little French bulldog named Wilbur. This French Bulldog took the position with a total of 13,143 votes, with an election total of 22,985, beating his running mates, Jack Rabbit the Beagle and Poppy the Golden Retriever. This election breaks the record for the total amount of votes, with the tradition dating back to 1998. 

The Rabbit Hash Historical Society, which owns the town, holds an election for a new “mayor” every three years as a fundraiser. For a dollar, Boone County River Community residents can cast a vote for their favorite pup. This dog has no mayoral duties, as Rabbit Hash, the small unincorporated area located in Boone County, has no need for a formal mayor. However, the money raised will go to preserving local historical buildings as well as various other charities. 

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