Getting Help


Staff Writer

Everyone struggles in life. No matter who, what, or how, no one’s life is “easy”, because existing on a speeding rock in space that is slowly deteriorating over time is no small feat. Sometimes, people need help coping with the hard facts of this existence. That is when we turn to trained professionals. I personally have acquired myself a counselor. The way that she explained therapy to me was that she is here to walk alongside me as I experience life for myself. Therapists do not command your life for you, they are not “Jesus taking the wheel” as the song goes, they are simply here to assist us in processing our lives and choices. They also give us tools so one day we won’t need them to help us cope anymore. If you are struggling to comprehend life as you know it, you might consider acquiring your own counselor, much like people hire others to help them with their taxes. Therapy is nothing to be ashamed of, and even Channing Tatum claimed that “Yeah I go to therapy, everyone should go to therapy”. Personally, I think the coolest thing about therapists is the fact that everything you say to them- unless it’s life-threatening to yourself or others- is 100% confidential. Unlike a teacher or an adult who is required to report issues, a licensed therapist will keep your thoughts safe because that is their job. I recommend this new journey I’ve embarked on to everyone, but it is important to note that when looking for help, you need to find a therapist that is right for you and compatible with what you need help with. Trial and error are in all things, but I promise you it’s worth it. 

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