Big Retailers Want More Security


Staff Writer

As election-related protests may follow in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, many large retailers across the country such as Tiffany, Saks Fifth Avenue, CVS, Target, and Macy’s will increase security measures to prevent damages to their stores. As many stores have previously been damaged and pillaged as a result of the protests over George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, retailers in many cities will board up their stores to prevent this from happening again. Based on a statement from Lisa LaBruno, senior executive vice president at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, companies decide which stores to board up through analysis of the condition of a specific store and what is happening to the stores around it. She also says that retailers should take extra precaution in not being the only store in a specific area to be boarded up due to the fact that this action might show that they are misinterpreting the real situation that is going on around them. Retailers across the country will also hire extra security guards, add more lighting, and tie down shopping carts to discourage people from looting.                           

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