Choose Kindness.


Staff Writer

2020 has been a heavy year for everyone. Sometimes it can be easy to forget how beautiful life is when the world is constantly facing ongoing challenges. People can get so caught up with helping others that they forget their own mental health needs comfort and attention. It is important that everyone takes some time to enjoy the little things in life and remember that it will always get better. When life gets overwhelming, take a step back at the pace you are going. Reflect on what is affecting you the most and brainstorm ideas on how to make a good balance between what is stressing you out. Mental illness is an issue that is not new, however, it is an issue that more people are understanding how serious it needs to be handled. In a world where so many people are battling against their own challenges, it is crucial that we treat others with kindness. Our actions in how we treat people is very powerful in ways that we do not even notice. This world is made up of so much hate, but I believe that one single person has enough power to make a difference in someone’s life. It only takes one person to send a message and ask how another person is doing. It only takes one person to reach out and start a conversation with an individual that they have never talked to before. It only takes one person to make a person feel they have worth for their life. If I had the capability to end all personal battles, I would do it in a heartbeat. However, a dream like that can only become a reality if people choose to put effort in supporting others and treating people with love. This year has faced several dark days, but 2020 is not over yet! Together we can comfort each other and spread kindness by how we treat others. You have the power to become someone’s friend. You have the power to make a person’s day. You have the power to save a person’s life. 

One Comment

  1. Thank you for writing this post because you are so right, we can all make a difference if we choose to spread a little kindness, compassion and empathy.

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