The Future


Staff Writer 

To the people who are reading this, we’re finally in high school and that’s a big deal because we’re closer to the things we want to be in the future. That’s either college or you already want to start your career. You have to put your mind to the things you want to do in the future, because it’s never too late to start. Will it be easy though? No, it won’t. Would it be worth it? Definitely. 

You should start now, because the future depends on what you do today. Always do what makes you happy, but doing what makes you happy gets you farther than doing the things that don’t make you happy and doesn’t make you excited to get out of bed. Always remember that you can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending. 

The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation. Don’t stress too much about the future, still live in the moment and have fun while you are living the moment.

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