What will Happen for Thanksgiving?


Staff Writer

With the year almost coming to an end the Coronavirus is still not getting any better and keeps taking many lives away. The cases here in the United States are not getting any better with people still thinking how this virus isn’t as big of a deal as people make it out to be but the amount of deaths says otherwise. Another holiday is coming up in which is supposed to be celebrated with the whole family but with the virus still around families won’t be able to have a gathering this year. 

Thanksgiving is coming up and so many people were excited for this year but all is going downhill with the virus still as bad as when it first spreaded globally. So what will happen now that families can’t come together because of the virus, well there’s always something to do besides having a huge gathering like how people do it every year. Many individual families can just have their own small feaste together at their home and watch movies together to get their mind off the bad things that have been happening this year. They can make drawings of turkeys or pumpkins to have some fun or make any other kinds of arts and crafts items together. Families could also bake goodies together and have the kids decorate cookies or cupcakes so the holiday won’t be lonely. There are many things that families could do together besides having a large gathering and still have fun this year.

Even though this year will be different from what we are used to there are still things we could do to make it a memorable year. It might not be as big of an event as past years but we can still make many fun memories with a small event. Hopefully people will learn not to take things for granted and will take this virus more seriously so we can spend time together with our family and friends by next year. 

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