UPS Caps Shipping For U.S. Retailers


Staff Writer

As of right now, UPS is placing shipping caps on a few large U.S. retailers as the holiday season is around the corner and the online retail business is booming. The shipping limits placed by UPS will continue throughout the week and through the rest of the holiday season. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the way U.S. consumers normally shop, the recent rise in demand for online products caused UPS to impose the restrictions to minimize issues while meeting customers’ needs during the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday sales from online purchases alone have recently skyrocketed, which is another reason why UPS is imposing shipping limits for online consumers during the holidays. Other shipping services such as FedEx and USPS have developed their own ways of dealing with the influx of shipments such as increasing their pricing premiums and hiring many temporary employees to help with the many shipments.                                          

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