20 Things To Do Over Christmas Break


Staff Writer

With Christmas break quickly approaching, we will finally have three weeks to take time for ourselves and to take a break from the stress and insanity of this year. We all have been counting down the days until our favorite time of the year– Christmas time. In these three weeks, you may be looking for something to do with family, friends, or just by yourself. Or you might just choose to sleep for three weeks straight and hole up in your room, which is something that is definitely needed for most of us. If you choose the former, this list gives you some ideas for fun Christmas activities that will put you in the holiday spirit and help turn every day of your break into something exciting. 

  1. Have a Christmas movie marathon.
  2. Cook or bake a new recipe.
  3. Decorate Christmas cookies or a gingerbread house.
  4. Hold a family or friend game tournament.
  5. Volunteer at a local shelter.
  6. Read a book.
  7. Binge watch a TV show.
  8. Go for a walk outdoors. 
  9. Paint, draw, or do some art.
  10. Make a homemade gift for someone. 
  11. Go online shopping.
  12. Create an ornament for your tree. 
  13. Write handmade Christmas cards.
  14. Make a Christmas playlist of your favorite holiday songs. 
  15. Do a random act of kindness. 

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