Covid-19 Vaccine


Staff Writer

The time has finally come for a Covid-19 vaccine and people are getting the vaccine as quickly as possible. Pfizer and BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is slowly making its way to the United States so that we can start giving people shots. Now that the vaccine is being released there can possibly be dangerous scams and misinformation about the vaccine. The scammers want your personal information in exchange for the vaccine and the government has warned us about this. Most housekeeping staff members are also getting the vaccines because they are at the top of the list like doctors and nurses. The vaccine is going to be available to the general public during spring of 2021 and early summer. The amount of vaccines that have been produced is roughly around over 100 million. There are currently several vaccines that are in development right now and they are going through different studies and checks to make sure that the vaccine is effective and safe for the people. Getting the vaccine is the most effective way to stop the spread of this virus. The first doses of the vaccine will be given to people working in health care settings and housekeeping staff members. Some other people that will get the vaccine include first responders, essential workers, adults that are high risk, and elderly people.

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