Happiness in my world


Staff Writer

I know during this entire pandemic it was really hard to keep my happiness in my heart very high like I wanted it to be. I noticed how difficult it really was to even see my own family again constantly like we used to back in the days before Covid was a thing. We all used to go out and make plans and we would all have such a good time with each other. Family was everything to me before Covid took over separating us from one another to the point where we no longer talked on a daily basis anymore. We would talk every once in a while that’s how much it really did hurt. 

But since Covid took over, it made me realize who was my real family and friends and what I had to be grateful for. But now that everything is falling into place again, I’m hoping this covid will die out very soon and we’ll be able to live our world in a free state of mind again and finally reopen every single thing including schools so we all can go back and socialize again with each other. Socializing is what I missed the most about living life. We teenage adults and kids really enjoyed being at school hanging out with our friends, learning in the same classes with one another, and genuinely just have a good time with one another. 

Now I’m starting to find where my true happiness lies. I’m surrounded by people who make me believe that I’ll never feel alone in this world when it’s hard to cope with it, I’m surrounded by people who really care about me. I’m surrounded by people who see the best in me despite how difficult I can really be from time to time. I’m starting to feel like there really is hope in the world for all of us again. We’ll finally be able to live freely again and reunite with our lost ones that we parted ways with. 

I’m holding out hope for everyone including myself. That we’ll find where our happiness that we once lost again, we’ll reunite with that one special person who made our world complete during this pandemic, reunite with that family member we haven’t spoken to in ages due to this pandemic, hangout with our friends we haven’t been able to see in such a long time and lost contact with, catch up on the things that were the most insane in our lives as we all one day in the future and look back at this time of day and era and remember all the things we lost and sacrificed to be where we are today, enjoy the moments we get with one another because we all know there’s a limited time here on Earth. That’s where my happiness will be. 

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