Joining the Navy


Staff Writer

Over the past two months getting closer to graduation I was stuck on my future and what I wanted to do after high school. After a month of really thinking about what I really wanted to do in my future by weighing out the good and bad decisions, I finally had figured something out. I have enrolled into the Navy. Although I can’t leave until after I graduate there is still a big process of things that I must go through in order to really enroll and get the job I want to do while being enrolled into the Navy. I thought taking this step would be very hard for me but it’s actually been really good. My recruiters have really been working with me through the whole situation to make sure and my parents are on board with this next step in my life. Although this next step in my life is going to be a very big one I am prepared and the next 4 years of my life are gonna be a very big journey.  

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