

Staff Writer

A deadly virus began spreading in China around late 2019. It is known as the Coronavirus or also referred to as COVID-19. This virus commonly can cause infections in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. It spreads rapidly from physical contact and has killed over 400,000 people. Our world has changed dramatically to stop the spread, masks are required practically everywhere you go, stores have limited numbers of people, and education is online for students. Education is very difficult at these times because kids can’t do in-person learning which makes it hard at home. The suicide rate of college students is also increasing because they can’t go home to their families and are stuck in the dorms. A couple of months ago they came out with the vaccine to hopefully put down the numbers. About a month ago healthcare workers were first getting the vaccine because they come in more contact with patients. Next in line are the teachers so we can get kids back into school with in-person learning. 

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