Staff Writer
On January 28th, my family’s dog, Honeybuns, gave birth to five, beautiful puppies. With these puppies born, my older sister came down for the first two weeks as those two weeks are probably the hardest time for some breeders. The first two weeks, you have to help the puppies learn to feed as they were just born and make sure they have the right temperature along with feeding them every two hours.
That part is the hardest for us as feeding puppies at two in the morning can be difficult when people in the family get very busy. Luckily for us, our puppies are actually able to eat very quickly and eat a lot much better than our last litters, so we can change the time from 2 hours to 4 hours.
Some things to know about if you plan to breed a French Bulldog, you would want to consider what color you would like to try and go for so you know who you want to breed your dog to. For example, my family wants a dog who has cream in their DNA, so we had to find other Frenchies with a cream in their DNA.
Now say if you have your two dogs you want to breed together, you have to think about how to breed them together and get the women Frenchie pregnant. If you want to make sure your dog gets pregnant, you can try to find people who can help with that by looking in on their business and how experienced they are.
Doing lots of research about this process is the best way to make sure that you can do the process correctly. With my own family experience, we have a few close friends who have a Frenchie business as well that teaches us anything we didn’t know. Having those connections can also help your business grow more as well as loving those dogs at the same time.
To our family, we always love the dogs so much, giving them so much attention to have a great life so when we sell them, other families can love them. One example of someone who doesn’t do so much of loving these dogs is one dog we actually bought from a guy who has a pretty big Frenchie business. When we bought the dog, we realized that the dog we bought didn’t know much about playing, having fun, or just loving in general. The dog has spent their whole life in a cage. After buying and keeping the dog for about 5 months now, they’re starting to have a playful side as we’re trying to help them as best as we can and we’re glad they’re good.