Online Learning for the Better?


It’s been a year since we’ve stopped going to school which we thought we were going to only be gone for 2 weeks. It’s been difficult for most students since it was a very different way of learning that we aren’t used to but for the most part I believe a lot of students figured out how to deal with online learning. Teachers have had lots of trouble when first teaching online since they didn’t know how to assign any work or how to do the group projects since many students were too shy to talk to one another which made it even more difficult for teachers.

There have been some very stressful moments for us students since it felt like we kept getting so many assignments when we first started but things have been getting somewhat easier since we have a new schedule and don’t get as much work since it’s all done in class or we have extra time on wednesday. The new schedule has been working out pretty great since we have the flex time if we need more time on any classwork we had for that class and we also don’t have to wake up as early for homeroom anymore. The only thing that has been kinda difficult is doing any group projects since it’s pretty hard to communicate with other students. It’s very difficult since many people just don’t even try to say anything and if someone does talk most of the time others don’t even respond which it gets embarrassing to say anything else. Other than the group projects I say that online learning has been going pretty well since another good thing is that we don’t have to be out in the cold at school and we can all just be in our rooms staying cozy.

Teachers on the other hand have been pretty stressed on how to get students to communicate with one another or just dealing with any technical difficulties since some students get logged out a lot during class. I have heard that it has been way easier to grade assignments though since  the computer automatically grades quizzes or tests so they only need to grade any written assignments. Most teachers still have to go to school sometimes but some do get to just stay at home and teach from there which seems much more comfortable than being in a classroom. 

We’ve all had our good struggle with online learning with any technical difficulties, zoom problems, having too many assignments but thankfully most of those problems have been fixed. Many of us have had a better experience now that we know how to work with online learning and we always have extra time to do any work we need to get done in the flex time.

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