Staff Writer
Danielle Cohn is an influencer who first started on the app Musically but has transitioned to Youtube. She has a very big audience which many are on the younger side. Since the beginning of quarantine Danielle Cohn hasn’t been a good role model because she hasn’t followed any of the covid guidelines. She has traveled several times, even after her fans have warned her how dangerous that is during this time.
Recently she posted a video talking about how her mother tested positive for Covid. She received a lot of backlash because her and her mom were in the same room together and many people thought that she should be distancing herself from her mom. Then two weeks later she posted another video of her going to the Super Bowl. Many people thought that this was very irresponsible of her and that she shouldn’t be outside so soon. Danielle let her fans know that her mom was better now and tested negative. Yet many of her fans believed she should’ve waited another week before going out for the safety of everyone else.