Great News, Seniors


Staff Writer

Just yesterday, we were sent out an email that announced that our 2021 graduation planning has started! It is exciting to see that we will be able to walk on a field, like regular graduation ceremonies. However, it will be modified, due to the coronavirus still being around. 

It is important that all seniors review the Graduation Survey below with their parents and provide a response by 12pm noon on Monday, February 22nd!  

Graduation Survey:

Also, there has been a very brief extension for Senior Ads.

If anyone is still interested in doing a Senior Ad, then please email Mr. Abbott at by tomorrow, February 19th at midnight! 

You will then need to submit all materials by Monday, February 22nd at 9:00 PM. 

The last announcement would be that the Academic Awards Night has been rescheduled to Monday, March 8th from 4:30-7:30 PM. 

This will be a drive-thru event and will take place in our Main Parking Lot. 

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