Staff Writer
In the anime, Haikyuu, they were able to show a variety of different kinds of setters that all have such unique talents. Haikyuu is an anime based show that is surrounded by volleyball, friendships, and great laughs. A heads up as well, I’m going off of my own opinion and using facts that I know of myself. You can have your own way of thinking who may be the best, but it all depends on who you would like to have. I want to go based off of most points that people may look for in a setter.
A few things I will add to this is I won’t be using every setter that is stated to be a setter. Some of the setters haven’t been shown too often, nor have not played as much. For example, I definitely will be doing Kageyama, Oikawa, Sugawara, Shirabu, Akaashi, Kenma, Koganegawa, and Atsumu. There’s also a few that may be good to add like Semi and Sakishima as they have only played a bit on screen, they do have their own episodes of them playing. Now, I don’t want to go into all the more side characters as I’m going off of the anime than the manga.
Second thing to note is that I won’t be comparing them after the timeskip as some have either stopped playing or have gotten much more stronger because that’s their own career. Now with all this being said on what I won’t be talking about, I will however scale them off of their stats. Each character has been given a sheet of some extra information including the ability parameters. This is a scale 1-5 of what each skill they are great or weak on. There’s power, jumping, stamina, intelligence, technique, and speed.
Those are going to be very helpful to determine who may be best, but looking in at personalities may also be something else to look at. With the personalities, this can determine if they are able to connect to their team as well and be able to play well with them without any problems that can help them as well. For example, Oikawa has been shown to bring out the best for their own team as it was emphasized a lot on him how he was able to play on another team for a practice and win greatly with his way of improving them.
Now to start, on pure stats, Kageyama is shown to have the best stats with his level of performance. Technique, strategy, and stamina are all maxed out as power, jump, and speed are all at 4 only. He seems to have all physical abilities all well done, but he does struggle in season 1 to accept people as his teammates and plays to beat everyone “by himself”. Of course, season 2, 3, and 4 show his improvement on being able to talk with other people, but he is trying to work on improving and checking his team just like Oikawa, still not perfect though.
Oikawa on the other hand is showing improvement as he doesn’t have the natural ability like Kageyama, he still works very hard to try and beat him. His hard work and determination to continue trying is amazing as he is shown in season 4 to still be working hard to be the best. Between the two of them, this can be hard to choose as