Checking Twice


Staff Writer

According to the subsiding COVID-19 levels and the fact that we are almost in the red zone, we will be returning to school much sooner than we thought. In order to prepare for that day, here is a checklist of some things to think about:

  • Backpack: What happened to it over the past year?
  • Textbooks: What needs to be returned? Which will you need to bring with you?
  • Pencils, Pens, markers, highlighters, etc.
  • Binder (Organization)
  • Lunch plans: buying or bringing?
  • Clothes: What will YOU be wearing your first day back?
  • Friends: Where will they be hanging out? How can you find/meet them?
  • Mask(s): remember your mask! Extras are wise!
  • What will you need for your classes?
  • How will you be getting to and from school?

Good luck trying to find all of your classes when we return, and most importantly, remember to stay safe, have fun, and be prepared. Go Miners!

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