Shrek The Musical: A Review

By ShayLee Denham

Staff Writer

I have watched “Shrek The Musical” maybe, most definitely, 3 times now and I think I have a good judgement on what makes a good musical because I have watched many highly loved musicals. There are three categories that make a good musical; Good Songs (and Choreography), Good Actors (Personality and Costume Design), and Good Plot. After watching these musicals a few times I have a strong opinion about each category, and I will review each one for this article. 

Songs (and Dance):

The songs are actually really good and each character sings with a voice that matches the original film, and the songs are very well written to fit the scenes of the movies. Not only are they energetic, but their choreography matches the song’s energy perfectly. 

Actors (Personality and Costumes ): 

The actors fit every character really well, and Donkey is actually a gold mine for comedy. The dialog makes the characters actually feel like they were born for these parts. The Costumes are really well made, especially since they are supposed to portray animated characters. 


The plot matches the actual movie very closely, and every gives Shrek a backstory, which gives him a more relatable character. The overall plot is extremely good too, since it is based on Shrek. 

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