Covid Vaccines Wind Up in the Garbage


Staff Writer

In the article, “Thousands of Covid-19 vaccines wind up in the garbage because of fed, state guidelines,” written by Corky Siemaszko, it describes an incident that has happened recently about how many Covid-19 vaccines have been getting thrown out without them actually being used. There was a Covid-19 vaccination team that showed up to the emergency room to incovulate employees who have not received their shots yet. However, there were only a few that needed them, so the ER doctor asked if they could give the remaining doses to vulnerable patients. The team refused, as they said that they would be violating the hospital policy and the state guidelines. Afterall, the doctor was able to find the administrator who was able to give consent for the Covid-19 team to use up the rest of the doses. However, by the time the doctor was able to track the team down, their shift was over, as the doses that remained were thrown out into the garbage. 

As seen from this article, there are many Covid-19 vaccines that are just being thrown to waste when it can actually be used for the better. Since the Covid-19 vaccine can get expired so quickly, people working in the medical fields should be able to use all the doses that were given, so that they would not go to waste. There are many people on the line that are in need of this vaccine, but seeing how many of these doses are being thrown out is disappointing when it can actually save many people. 

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