The Death of Happiness


Staff Writer 

Happiness always had a

fear of Depression. Depression 

always had a fear of


They avoided each other in 

the halls at school. 

They hid from each other. 

In the lunchroom

depression sat

alone in the corner, while 

happiness was with her 


The thought of being 

like Happiness made

Depression cringe. 

He almost hated her. 

Soon Happiness realized  

something was wrong. 

Depression was there all

along. Happiness died

and Depression took over.

I wrote this poem with this whole pandemic in mind. During quarantine I, and many other people, went through some form of depression or any type of sadness. I understand that it may be hard to seek help, but once you do, things can and eventually get better. Reaching out and talking to someone is so much better than building it all up inside. 

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