Bobby Lashley Becomes 3rd Ever Black WWE Champion


Staff Writer

In the history of the WWE championship, there have been only 2 black champions prior to Bobby Lashley’s huge, history-making win last Monday the first of March. Now former WWE champion, the Miz, owed Bobby Lashley a debt. The previous week at the WWE Elimination Chamber Pay Per View, Bobby Lashley helped the Miz win the WWE title from Drew Mcintyre. Because he helped Miz win, Lashley was owed a debt, that being a WWE championship match. The Miz would have one night to make up his mind as to whether or not he would oblige Lashley’s request and honor the debt. Lashley would threaten Miz until he reluctantly agreed. The following Monday on Monday Night Raw, Lashley would dominate and ultimately win the WWE championship, ending the Miz’s reign that lasted only 7 days. With this win, Lashley would follow in the footsteps of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Kofi Kingston as the third ever black WWE Champion. Lashley has worked for the WWE before his return in 2018 from 2005 to 2008. He was marketed to be a huge star but never reached his full potential. After leaving the company and working for other promotions, further establishing himself as a main event player, he would return the night after the biggest show of the year, Wrestlemania. He would stay afloat until 2020 when he joined forces with MVP, Shelton Benjamin, and Cedric Alexander to form a dominant faction known as The Hurt Business. MVP was the mouthpiece or talker for Lashley, this is what made Bobby Lashley feel like a big deal again. He would go on to feud with the WWE champion early in 2020 but came up short. He was still booked to be a monster on Monday Night Raw. He would win the United States Championship at WWE Payback last summer and would hold it until WWE Elimination Chamber in February, the same night he helped the Miz win WWE title gold. Bobby Lashley worked his tail off and proved exactly why he is the All-Mighty, and will have a WWE title run of a lifetime. 

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