My Take on Returning to In-person School


Staff Writer

About a year ago schools all over the United States canceled in-person learning for what was just supposed to be two weeks which turned into a whole year. Three months of the school year are left and with Covid cases now dropping and adults getting the Covid-19 vaccine. Schools are anxiously waiting for the green light to start in-person school again. People’s opinions are all over the spectrum with this. Personally, I don’t see it being worth it.

Students have been needing to adjust to different learning styles all year long. High School students ended last school year simply not learning anything new. This school year we started off having an A and B track, only going to online school about 3 hours a day. The students had to adjust to the new schedule and create new study habits after not being in school for 5 months; second-semester rolls around and the school decides to make a whole new schedule. Students now had to zoom from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm all day. After high schoolers finally got the hang of the new online schedule they had to adjust once again. With only 3 months of school left, students will have to adjust yet again to the new schedule during the hardest time of the year with finals and AP testing right around the corner. 

I will be continuing distance learning. I’ve been doing it for the past 7 months, what are another 3 months? The rallies, sporting events, and dances are not going to be allowed either way and those are some of the activities students enjoy most in school. Students returning in person will have to wake up early, get ready for school, and drive to campus only to be there for 3 hours to go to classes and leave, while distance learners will get the same teaching from the convenience and safety of their home. I believe the school district should have let the year finish online and start fresh next year with in-person learning.

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