The Greatness Of Walking


Staff Writer 

A quarantine hobby that I have picked up since last March is going on daily walks. A walk a day can keep the sad days away. That is a quote that I have lived by since the beginning of the pandemic. Like everyone else, the pandemic was a stressful time that I had trouble adapting to. It was difficult for me to go from being a very social person to having to isolate from one another. My mental health was starting to decline, and I began to think of how I could support myself through these hard times. I attempted to Facetime my friends, visit family, and go out to the stores as a way to stay connected with myself. However, it was difficult for me to feel comfortable with this new way of living. Certain days were more difficult than others in having to stay trapped in the house. Oftentimes I felt like I was stuck at home and craved the feeling of what it was like to live our normal lives. A way for me to relax and calm down after an anxious day of being home is by going on walks and connecting with nature. Before the pandemic hit, I was on the go from one activity to another. I crammed sports, academics, and clubs all in my week to the point where I forgot how to wind down. Then when everyone was told to stay at home and drop their responsibilities, I was unaware of how to become familiar with this way of living. I learned to slow down a bit and cherish what the world has to offer. Going on daily walks, I am able to see how beautiful it is outside. I see how the wind makes the grass dance as the clouds sing up above in the blue sky. I realized that the world doesn’t need a filter to be added, only a moment to be valued. My daily walks have made me more calm and have taught me to nurture mother nature and thank her for all that she provides for us. A walk a day can keep the sad days away, and I know that with whatever challenges come in life, I can always step back and go for a walk. 

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