

Staff Writer

Everyone has that one younger cousin or sibling who copies everything you do religiously. We’ve all been annoyed to death by these family members and we’ve all been told “copying is the greatest form of flattery”. I thought that line was just a parental cop-out. That is, until recently. My younger cousin snapchatted me the other day and directly asked if she could copy my idea. I was beyond shocked. She had finally learned after her 14 years of life that I hated when she copied me, but she wanted to do it anyway so she decided to ask my permission this time. I immediately told her yes and that if she wanted to copy anything else to just ask. I’m not sure what about the asking makes it feel okay- maybe it’s a respect thing- but I took the “copying” as a compliment when she asked me so kindly. It made me excited to know she liked my idea and wanted to do it too without annoying me. So maybe respectfully copying is the greatest form of flattery. 

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