Staff Writer
With spring break around the corner, many have been concerned about covid numbers rising once more. To combat this, UC Davis is offering students $75 for “staycations” so they will not travel throughout the break. The money will be given as gift cards and according to the University, students have been taking them up on their offer. To receive the money the students have to apply by giving a basic description of their spring break plans. The student also has to pledge to stay in town for their break and complete a COVID-19 test. The school started with 750 gift cards, but eventually raised it to 2,000. In total this program will cost $150,000.
While not all universities can do this, they have found other alternatives to handle the risk of a spike in Covid cases due to spring break. Some schools have cancelled spring break and give students a three day weekend instead. Others have moved spring break to occur later in the year or instead are having the semester end a week early. It is not a perfect plan, however it is interesting to see how the universities are trying to do their part in preventing a rise in covid cases.