Month: March 2021

Cat Hair – Gross!

By Emmalie Cooper  Staff Writer Cats – adorable, cuddly (sometimes), and most importantly squishy. However, the less cute counterpart – the cat hair – constantly drives owners crazy. I mean[Read More…]


By NATALIE CARDENASStaff Writer  Recently, a family member has passed, and everything has been slow but reassuring. Reality hits you hard when you know some things are right in front[Read More…]

Checking Twice

By FAITH SIMON Staff Writer According to the subsiding COVID-19 levels and the fact that we are almost in the red zone, we will be returning to school much sooner[Read More…]


By: LAUREN LANDIN Staff Writer Water is everywhere Water is anywhere Every drop holds value, Every drop holds life.  We need water to live, It’s a necessity to life. Plants,[Read More…]

Almost a Year

By THERESE BALDERAS Staff Writer We are almost a year into quarantine. We really didn’t think a two week break would turn into this but here we are now. This[Read More…]

Social Media Dilemma

By MAGGIE ANDERSON Staff Writer Within the past two weeks major events have taken place that aren’t ideal. The Capital of the United States was unfortunately overtaken by the supporters[Read More…]