If the World Ended Part 9


Staff Writer

Sarah goes out with her towel wrapped around her slowly looking out the door slowly, she steps out finding that a little ball has fallen off a desk with some papers. She sighs and goes to pick the papers up but notices one of them has a picture of her and Joshua. She looks at the desk it fell from and notices there was also a picture of her in a frame. She sees it was Joshua’s desk and feels a little happy.

Sarah goes back to the bathroom and finishes getting dressed. She heads back to Joshua’s desk and sits in his chair, the computer turns on and a page pops up and she reads in the page information of a project. She sees names and goes through everything it says. By the end Sarah is shocked and everything makes sense. The project was a test of testing on people and the names were of people with tests to survive the project and she was one of them. 

Sarah is shaking with anger and sadness, she is shocked to know her own husband used her as a guinea pig. 

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