Ship Stuck In Suez Canal


Staff Writer

A couple of days ago, a large cargo ship managed to get stuck in the Suez Canal halting all ships heading though. A massive amount of goods with the approximation of $10 billion a day travel between east and west through the canal which is located in Egypt, between the Mediterranean and Red Sea. The canal is crucial to global trade so that goods can exchange from the American east coast and Europe to Asia and vice versa. The ship that got stuck is called the MV Ever Given which is registered in Panama due to many reasons like cheap labor and marine regulations but has a Japanese owner. The owner has released an apology saying “We would like to apologize to all parties affected by this incident, including the ships travelling and planning to travel through the Suez Canal”. Some officials have stated that it could take weeks to dislodge the ship and refloat it. Due to this, ships will most likely have to take the longer and inefficient routes of either crossing the Pacific Ocean and going through the Panama Canal or to go around the Cape of Good Hope which is the tip of South Africa and this will likely cause an increase in the cost of goods.

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