Gavin Newsom Plans to Reopen California by June 15


Staff Writer

California Governor, Gavin Newsom, announced a plan to reopen California’s economy on June 15th if the current trends remain. The state says “everyday activities” will be allowed to resume and all businesses will be allowed to reopen. Newsom says he plans to ditch the color-coded tier system “if we continue the good work.” The criteria for reopening includes:

  • “If vaccine supply is sufficient for Californians 16 years and older who wish to be inoculated”
  • “If hospitalization rates are stable and low”

Newsom anticipates that atleas 30 million people in California will have at least one dose of the vaccines by the end of the month. Public health experts say that another surge of cases would likely not overwhelm the healthcare system in California. With continued mask-wearing and reasonable precautions, the governor anticipates that California will be able to move forward with reopening fully. However, the governor did acknowledge that a vaccine-resistant mutation of the virus could halt California’s progress, but said that the worst case scenario would lead to closing business again. Newsom remarks, “One thing we’re mindful of is you don’t know what you don’t know.”

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