Metallica’s Kirk Hammett’s Unusual Sideline

Metallica’s Kirk Hammett is dabbling in a rather unusual sideline, Coffee. Whilst many of his hardcore fans could think a Whiskey or beer might be more fitting, the legendary lead guitarist has launched the Greeny Blues Blend, a coffee inspired by Peter Green’s ’59 Les Paul, which Kirk now owns and plays.

He recently shared the promotional video on Twitter. “Every morning I wanna wake up and start the day out right, that usually means music and coffee”, says Kirk on the clip. In an outside country setting he then picks up his Classic Les Paul guitar made famous by Fleetwood Mac’s Peter Green called ‘Greeny’, and proceeds to play a short guitar lick unplugged with his fingers. 

After drinking some of the ‘Greeny Blues Blend’, Kirk explains; “When I’m searching for the right notes to hit, Greeny Blues hits all the right notes”. The video then pans out and Kirk shreds a blistering energizing solo with a massive stack of amps behind him – this must suggest the coffee does the trick.

This new collaboration is with the Muddy Waters Roasting Company, a local coffee from California. Now, with some added Metallica magic too – it seems they’ve formed a great blend with Kirk on board!

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