“Stream of C(at)onsciousness”

By: Stevie Weber

Staff Writer

I want to know the thoughts of cats. 

Obviously they have a high level of consciousness and awareness. 

They get embarrassed, 

they get angry, 

they get happy, 

they dream. 

So, what do they think about? 

It is similar to how we think? 

With words? 

Their own “kitty-words”? 

Do they even have a language? 

They communicate with other cats mainly through bodily movements. 

It is really only with humans and kittens that they communicate vocally. 

Does that mean that when they think, it is only in images? 

Or emotions? 

They have feelings, obviously. 


yes pet, 

no pet. 

Scratch now. 

Are these just urges they feel and act upon? 

Or is there a further layer of thought that goes into these actions?

 Does my cat truly love me? 

Can they even fathom the concept of love as we humans can? 

Do they stare at us, as I am doing now, and contemplate these very things as I am doing now? 

As our eyes are locked, is she wondering too;

“I want to know the thoughts of you.”

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