El Diamante Boys Soccer


Staff Writer

In our boys varsity soccer game on Tuesday, April 13th we played the Lemoore High Tigers in a great game. The boys started off the game strong by opening the first ten minutes with a goal in our favor but unfortunately, in the following five minutes, Lemoore returned the favor. From then on, Lemoore put on the pressure and scored three more goals on us before the end of the half, making the score 1-4 with Lemoore in the lead. As the second half started, the clock was ticking for us and we needed to put some goals in the back of the net. The second half progressed and we scored one more goal, giving us all the momentum that we needed. Shortly after the second goal came a third and a fourth pushing the game into overtime in a clutch scenario versus the Tigers. In overtime, we scored two goals, making the ultimate comeback with a final score of 6-4 with a proud victory for our boys soccer.

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