A Mysterious Neurological Disease Is Afflicting Endangered Florida Panther


Staff Writer

There is a disease known as feline leukmyelopathy has likely stricken 37 panthers and bobcats. The U.S Southeast, Florida panthers nearly went extinct due to widespread hunting. By 1970’s there were only 20 left. That’s why scientists are concerned about a newly discovered disease because it causes limb weakness, and in severe cases partial paralysis in Florida panthers and bobcats. When it affects the animals, it’s hard on them because they are having trouble walking which would lead them to starve and die. 

The disease has been confirmed in three panthers but has likely afflicted at least 19 panthers and 18 bobcats throughout the states since spring 2017. Researchers suspected the disease characterized by damaging the nerve cells, develops early in a panther’s life and does not generally worsen. 

While many researchers are optimistic about the panther, some are very worried. “The panther is facing some really big obstacles, especially this neurological disorder.”

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