No Bed Until Night-Time


Staff Writer

Imagine you were able to only lie down on your bed when it was time to fall asleep. No accessibility to take naps in between classes or no area to relax while watching your favorite show. For a teenager, a bed is more than the place where they sleep. A bed is their comfort place. A place where they can scroll through their phone while laying down. A place to snuggle up during Winter while watching movies. For a teenager, a bed is the one place they can fully feel relaxed and rewind from their day. But what if that was all taken away. What if a teenager’s bed was only offered to them during the night-time. Would they have exhausting days leaving them to be burnt out by the end of the day? Or might they come to realize they were much more productive than days where they would frequently visit their beds. 

If a teenager were to have their bed taken away from them, one way they may react to the change is by feeling drained throughout the day. Teenagers who have adapted to inquiring naps during their days will not know how to stay energetic without taking a break. They would feel tired during times when they are needed to still have some energy and not have no opportunity to gain back that energy through a thirty minute nap. 

While as another way a teenager may react to their bed only being available to them at night would have them to get more stuff done during the day. If a teenager is not given their bed during the day then they would not have the chance to be lazy and chill in their room all day. This would force them to want to go outside and talk to their siblings or start an assignment. 

However it is important that whether you are visiting your bed four times a day or only seeing it when it is time for bed- that every teenager gets a good form of rest every night. Teenagers often pull all-nighters so frequently and miss the consequences of how it is affecting their capability to learn better in school. Teenagers must pay some form of visit to their bed everyday to ensure they get a good source of rest. 

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