If the world Ended

Part 12

By: Sira Gonzalez 

Staff writer

Walking down the long hall with some lights flickering from needing a change of lightbulb Sarah comes to a two sided door with needing a pin to open it. Sarah squints her eyes trying to remember if Joshua has told her about this pin. She inhales remembering it and types in the code, the doors make a beeping noise then opens with a gush of wind. Sarah sees this side of the building is where they test things and sees through the windows that there are hazmat suits hanging. She feels chills as she wonders what kind of stuff they do in here. 

After looking through the windows trying to figure out what the room is she gives up and goes to the doors that are across from where she entered. She slowly walks down the hall hearing something crash, she stops and looks to where the nose came from noticing it from the other side of the window. Sarah thinks about going to see but is hesitant from all the tools and liquids that are in there. The noise comes again but this time she sees it is a puppy trying to get free from its cage, she gasps as she goes into the room not caring what’s in there anymore. The puppy spots her and starts to whine and scratch the cage door indicating to get out. Sarah bends down and slowly opens the door, the puppy rushes out wagging its tail happy to be out. 

Sarah is smiling from it’s cuteness when the puppy looks at her and runs to her. She picks up the puppy laughing and petting it, she notices it’s a boy great Dane and decides she wants to keep him. 

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