Beauty is Pain for Animals…Literally.


Staff Writer

For many decades, makeup companies and other laboratories have used animals as testers for makeup products, cleaning products, etc. But what is animal testing exactly? Animal testing is procedures that are being performed on an animal that is alive. It’s a “research” into biology and diseases that’ll have effectiveness for consumers. Believing what happens to these animals might end up happening to us humans as a result of using certain products; is very inaccurate! Testing on animals doesn’t only cause physical pain, it causes emotional distress and mass suffering to their bodies. According to Humane Society International, much false information about animal testing being good and how these supplies can have an effect on humans is inaccurate, “Aside from the ethical issues they pose—inflicting both physical pains as well as psychological distress and suffering on large numbers of sentient creatures—animal tests are time- and resource-intensive, restrictive in the number of substances that can be tested, provide little understanding of how chemicals behave in the body, and in many cases do not correctly predict real-world human reactions.” On animals, there are marks made and damage to their skin, organs, and tissues when chemicals are being injected into them and being chained up for long periods. More 115 million animals worldwide go through every year. The animals that are used are mainly rabbits, dogs, cats, mice, and many more! We should put an end to this and use alternatives to animal tested products; here are some that’re cruelty free and bring no harm to them again! In Cruelty Free International, there are many alternatives of animal testing. It states, “Human cells have been used to create innovative little devices called ‘organs-on-chips’. These can be used instead of animals to study biological and disease processes, as well as drug metabolism.” Another alternative is using human tissues. Healthy and/or diseased tissues are always being donated from human volunteers and will help with the study of human biology and different diseases. Other tissues can be donated from surgeries such as biopsies, cosmetic surgery, and transplants! There’s many possibilities in stoping animal testing and be able to protect them. Let’s be able to make changes in our ways of testing and stop the cruelty. Three U.S. states such as California, Illinois, and Nevada have banned animal testing and many more will do the same!


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